Batman: The Animated Series is the best iteration of the character in any medium, whether it's comics, movies, television, ...
Well, consider these censor-dodging nasties, the 10 scariest Batman Villains to appear in an animated series.
TAS Season 1, Episode 22 Jokers Favor & Episodes 20-21 Feat Of Clay Ed Begley Jr., known for his roles in comedy and drama ...
Prime Video premiered Batman: Caped Crusader on August 1. The inaugural season of the animated series debuted ... shy away from scary themes, and these episodes show how much inspiration it ...
This 12-disc box set includes all 85 episodes of the original animated series that ran from 1992-95, as well as the complete arc of The New Batman Adventures, for a grand total of 109 episodes.
The DC Animated Universe united the world’s finest superheroes in the Justice League animated series: Superman, Batman ... After 39 episodes over three seasons, the series ended with heroes ...