Microarray result of an apparently balanced translocation t(5;19)(q11.2;q13.1) by karyotyping showing no gain or loss at the translocation breakpoints. However, a 300 kb deletion of 18p11.31 ...
This rearrangement is called a balanced translocation. No genetic material is gained or lost in a balanced translocation, so these chromosomal changes usually do not cause any health problems.
The derivative X;22 translocation chromosome, isolated in hybrid A68-2A, is from a female with a balanced translocation with the X breakpoint in proximal band Xq13. The subject has a daughter who ...
An example of a balanced structural change is the Philadelphia chromosome translocation previously described. In that case, although genetic information was rearranged into an abnormal gene ...
[2] There is a recurrence risk of 5% to 10% for an affected live-born infant in cases when a parent has a 13:14 Robertsonian translocation. If a parent has a 13:13 Robertsonian translocation ...