A TV series on the iconic scientist focuses on his life outside of science — including romance, violence and politics. NEW YORK (JTA) — Think “Albert Einstein,” and certain images or ...
Albert Einstein loved life — and women. Letters that are now being auctioned at Christie's bear witness to this.
Albert Einstein had described the special theory ... His team photographed starfields during the eclipse and compared the photos with those of the same starfield taken when the sun was not present.
Albert Einstein is one of the most recognized and well-known scientists of the century. His theories solved centuries-old problems in physics and rocked even non-physicists' view of the world.
A note written by Albert Einstein containing advice on ... he did not have any money to reward him. Getty Images Einstein (seen here in 1950) wrote the hotel notes shortly after winning the ...
Throughout his life, Albert Einstein (1879-1955) was a pop star of science. He had his "Annus mirabilis" (Latin for "miracle year") in 1905 when, at age 26, he'd published several groundbreaking ...