Telugu actor Nagarjuna recently announced the engagement of his younger son, Akhil Akkineni and Zainab Ravdjee. In an interview with Zoom, the Kubera actor stated that Akhil's wedding will happen ...
Recently, Akhil shared a delightful mirror selfie with his fiancée, Zainab Ravdjee, captured by Zainab herself. The couple’s ...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid tribute to Telugu legend, Akkineni Nageswara Rao (ANR) during Mann Ki Baat. Nagarjuna, Naga ...
He was released on interim bail on Saturday. Akhil Akkineni visited Allu Arjun at his home on Saturday evening in a show of support after his recent arrest and release on interim bail. His brother ...
Actor Nagarjuna, his grandson Naga Chaitanya, and his actor-wife Sobhita Dhulipala expressed their gratitude to PM Modi for ...