In a tragic incident in Bihar, a stampede took place at a ghat the Adalat Ganj area in Patna during the Chhath festival on Monday. At least 20 people died and several others got injured during the ...
Chhath Puja Ghats in Patna Some of the popular ghats where Chhath Puja is Celebrated are Gandhi Ghat, Patna College Ghat, Kadam Kuan Ghat, NIT Ghat, Digha Ghat, Alamganj Ghat, Dashrath Manjhi Ghat ...
You’ll be amazed to know that the cute and pretty Gangetic dolphins have made a historic comeback to Patna ghats after nearly 30 years! These dolphins are endangered freshwater mammals that have ...
The path from Digha to Patna ghat is operational, while work is in progress on the remaining 3.5-km stretch from Patna ghat to Deedarganj. The path is connected to Ashok Rajpath at eight places ...