Over 100,000 years ago, a unique group of ancient humans, the Juluren or “large head people,” roamed eastern Asia. Recently introduced to the scientific world as Homo juluensis, this group ...
Sweden plans to store nuclear waste for 100,000 years, but the author questions whether this is feasible given the ...
The rhino, Elasmotherium sibericum, was thought to have become extinct between 200,000 and 100,000 years ago. By radiocarbon-dating a total of 23 specimens, researchers found the Ice Age giant in ...
Homo erectus evolved around two million years ago, and was the first known human species to walk fully upright. New dating evidence shows that it survived until just over 100,000 years ago on the ...
At some point, Homo erectus expanded out of Africa, getting as far as Indonesia, where they became extinct about 100,000 years ago. In Africa, many researchers suspect, they gave rise to our own ...
This group of people, related to Denisovans and Neanderthals, are believed to have gone extinct roughly 100,000 years ago in eastern Asia. "So this is it. Large head people. Mysterious new form of ...