Haida Gwaii, also known as the Queen Charlotte Islands, is an archipelago located between 55–125 km off the northern Pacific coast in the Canadian province of British Columbia. The islands are separated from the mainland to the east by the shallow Hecate Strait. Queen Charlotte Sound lies to the south, with Vancouver Island beyond. To the north, the disputed Dixo…
Haida Gwaii, also known as the Queen Charlotte Islands, is an archipelago located between 55–125 km off the northern Pacific coast in the Canadian province of British Columbia. The islands are separated from the mainland to the east by the shallow Hecate Strait. Queen Charlotte Sound lies to the south, with Vancouver Island beyond. To the north, the disputed Dixon Entrance separates Haida Gwaii from the Alexander Archipelago in the U.S. state of Alaska.
AdOur HaidaGwaii trip is listed as one of Destination Canada’s Signature Experiences. Travel the whole archipelago, ancient to modern, including Gwaii Haanas & SGang Gwaay.
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Destinations: Desolation Sound, Great Bear Rainforest, Gulf Islands, Haida Gwaii