Firefox Release Notes

Release Notes tell you what’s new in Firefox. As always, we welcome your feedback. You can also file a bug in Bugzilla or see the system requirements of this release.

88.0 Firefox Release

April 19, 2021

Version 88.0, first offered to Release channel users on April 19, 2021

We'd like to extend a special thank you to all of the new Mozillians who contributed to this release of Firefox!


  • PDF forms now support JavaScript embedded in PDF files. Some PDF forms use JavaScript for validation and other interactive features.

  • Print updates: Margin units are now localized.

  • Smooth pinch-zooming using a touchpad is now supported on Linux

  • To protect against cross-site privacy leaks, Firefox now isolates data to the website that created it. Learn more


  • Screen readers no longer incorrectly read content that websites have visually hidden, as in the case of articles in the Google Help panel.

  • Various security fixes.


  • Firefox will not prompt for access to your microphone or camera if you’ve already granted access to the same device on the same site in the same tab within the past 50 seconds. This new grace period reduces the number of times you’re prompted to grant device access.

  • The ‘Take a Screenshot’ feature was removed from the Page Actions menu in the url bar. To take a screenshot, right-click to open the context menu. You can also add a screenshots shortcut directly to your toolbar via the Customize menu. Open the Firefox menu and select Customize…

  • FTP support has been disabled, and its full removal is planned for an upcoming release. Addressing this security risk reduces the likelihood of an attack while also removing support for a non-encrypted protocol.



  • Introduced a new toggle button in the Network panel for switching between JSON formatted HTTP response and raw data (as received over the wire).
    enter image description here


  • Some purchased video content may not play correctly due to a recent Widevine plugin update (bug 1705138). This is fixed in Firefox 88.0.1 and later releases.

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